Reflection on 2023

January 3, 2024
Featured image for “Reflection on 2023”
By: Tom Morrone

Every year we do countless things that fill our hours, days, weeks, months and eventually our entire year. Often, we say where did the day go, where did the week go, where did the month go and inevitably where did the darn year go? Well, this past year of 2023 has been no different and went quicker than most because a wise man once said, “life is like a roll of toilet paper, the closer to the end you get, the quicker it goes”.

This past year I tore the meniscus in my left knee over the Memorial Day weekend. I hobbled around all summer and into the fall while going through the various medical and insurance protocol before having the inevitable surgery. First, I had to get an appointment with an orthopedic doctor. Before doing an MRI, I had to have a cortisone injection and wait 3-4 weeks to see if I had any relief. Feeling no better, another appointment only to schedule 3 weeks of PT. Still in pain, another Doctor’s appointment to then schedule an MRI which confirmed the torn meniscus. Next was scheduling a surgical consultation to review the procedure and get on the surgeon’s schedule. At this point it was November 8th before I could have the procedure. The surgery and the rehab were the easiest part. The day of the surgery, I was home within two ½ hours. I spent a day and a half on crutches and a couple of weeks of intense PT and I was good to go by Thanksgiving. Cathy was right there by my side helping me recuperate. Thank you again Cathy.

Great highlights of the year:

Kelly and Dave blessed Cathy and I with a beautiful granddaughter, Eleanor. Precious! She will be celebrating her first birthday on February 5th. How quickly the time passes!

I continue to take a further step back from the day-to-day operations of the business and spend time doing what I want, whatever that may be. Thank you, Paul, for making this possible. The grandkids are front and center on our schedule and would not want it any other way. 

We took a great family trip to FL for a week of fun in the sun, cocktails and great food and created fabulous memories. Looking forward to this October when we return to Anna Maria Island.

Ryan continues to blossom into his own person. He is kind, compassionate and loves his monster trucks. His face lights up when he sees us, and it warms our hearts every time.

Kyle started kindergarten in September. At the end of his first day, I asked him what he learned on his first day of school? He said, “Do you know what integrity means?” I said that I knew but what did he think it meant? His reply, “Integrity is when you do the right thing when no one is watching.” Well now, when I was in kindergarten, we stacked blue and yellow blocks and played with a red Radio Flyer wagon.

Not to sound too cliché but Happy New Year and wishing everyone good health and happiness in 2024.

Life is good!

Until the Next Tom’s Take…………………………

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