As Halloween approaches, I’m feeling a different kind of excitement—this is my first Halloween as a homeowner. Growing up, Halloween was all about trick-or-treating with friends, and there was something special about dressing up, talking about our costumes, knocking on neighbors’ doors, and wondering what treats awaited. Afterward, we’d come home, dump out our pillowcases, and trade the candy we didn’t like for the ones we did with friends and siblings. Now, I get to be the one answering the door and handing out candy, a shift in perspective that makes the holiday feel new again.
Rachel, always up for a creative project, has prepared Halloween-themed treat bags filled with candy. But, true to form, she didn’t stop there. She also made Halloween-themed bags filled with dog treats for any neighborhood pups. with Mason giving each one an approving sniff.
The outside of our house is decorated for fall, but inside, it’s a different story – it’s already Christmas! This year, we needed all new Christmas decorations, so we started shopping early to find what we needed. After putting up our tree and decorations to make sure everything looked right, we figured, why take it all down just to put it back up in a few weeks? So, while the outside looks ready for Halloween and Thanksgiving, inside, we’re decked out for the holidays, making it a quirky blend of seasons.
Since our street is small and ends in a cul-de-sac, it’s hard to know if we’ll see many kids. It could mean fewer trick-or-treaters, or maybe parents with little ones will see it as the perfect, low-traffic loop. Either way, Rachel and I are ready, and I’m looking forward to starting this tradition as a homeowner.
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